“I'm sure the England selectors thought if they took me on and gave me the job, I'd want to run the show. They were shrewd, because that's exactly what i would have done."
- Brian Clough
‘They think it’s all over……it is now”
It’s a funny old game and that concludes what was a fantastic ‘EURO 2020’ tournament. There will be many of you feeling sick as a parrot this week but those who are feeling over the moon are:
● Stephen Hill of All Round Security Consultants
Overall Winner of the FAAC FESTIVAL OF FOOTBALL competition
● Craig Robb of MAC Systems Ltd
Prizes will be winging their way to them shortly.
We at FAAC would like to say a massive THANK YOU to all those who entered and we must say it was such fun running it and we hope you had a great time being part of it.
There will be some runner up FAAC goodies for those who came 3rd and 4th respectively. Many players were vying for the title and it went right to the wire with the final match.
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FAAC EURO 2020 Football Festival